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Welcome to my world!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Yes, Virginia, There is a 24-Hour Starbucks

I am an early-bird in more ways than one.

Whether it is how my biological clock works, that a grew up on a farm in the Round Hill section of Greenwich, Connecticut USA -and had many animals to feed before going off to school- or some unknown element, I am routinely awake at 4:30 a.m. and out the door by 5:15 a.m.

It's been this way for years. This even happens to me when I return to my ancestral home in Greenwich, which is six hours ahead of Honolulu.

Why? Beats the hell out of me. They call Connecticut the 'Land of Steady Habits,' (because of the strict morals of the people of the state), so I suppose that as a native son waking up before dawn is one of my "steady habits" no matter what, or where I am.

My recent adventures in Singapore were no different. The Lion City is six hours behind Hawaii Standard Time, yet one day ahead.

So, if it is noon on Sunday in Hawaii the time is 6:00 a.m. Monday in Singapore.

A few days after adjusting to the time change I found myself drifting into my usual home routine. Strange? Probably.

I had changed accommodations from Chinatown to the Centrepoint Apartments off Orchard Road I found on AirBnb.com. The pungent smell of 'haze' was in the air. The sun had not yet risen in the east. I was hungry and in dire need of a Starbucks fix.

After startling the security guard outside the elevator I was off and running! Where's my Starbucks?

Nothing was open with the exception of the Seven Eleven store down the street. There is one in Centrepoint Mall, but there was nothing available! Literally! What was I to do?

I walked about two blocks or so to the intersection with Grange Road -and there it was.

Located across the street from the H&M store was coffee paradise at Cineleisure! I was saved by the only 24-Hour Starbucks location I still know of.

The coffee? Good! The service? The baristas insisted on bringing my coffee to my table! When is the last time that ever happened? Answer: never before.

I went back on a subsequent morning when I posted this video clip on my Facebook page. I've also embedded it here:

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